
OCTOBER 17-18 2025



ABOUT THE EVENT When East meets West knowledge knows no bounds.

Dear Colleagues,

After the last six successful editions of East Meets West Congress, an event that has been nationally and internationally appreciated, we look forward to be part of East Meets West 2024, the seventh prestigious medical conference organized for Central and Eastern Europe, fully endorsed by the ISEVS – the International Society for Endovascular Specialists from the USA, in partnership with the Romanian Society of Endovascular Surgery.

EMW2024 will be held in Bucharest, 8&9 November 2024, at Crowne Plaza Conference Center.

We invite you to take part at this special event, the only one that brings together all heart specialists at the same table.

Why should you attend the EMW2024 Congress?

Because the idea of the event itself started from the desire to create a different framework for our colleagues in Romania, a framework that puts the Romanian heart specialists in front of the world leaders in the field. They will share their knowledge and opinions, as well their professional secrets. And we assure you they are not just a few. Global techniques and technologies will be presented by our partners – the vast majority being important companies in America and Europe. Certainly, all the presented information at the event will help you treat your patients successfully.

EMW2024 will also encourage the creative exchange of ideas and learning experiences for everyone. Registered participants will have the opportunity to relate directly to faculty members. Also, exhibitors in medical industry will present new insights into the field and talk about new technologies. We also promise you that the East Meets West 2024 Congress will be a unique event for us, for Romania, thanks to distinguished speakers who will honor us with their presence – faculty members from the International Society for Endovascular Specialists from the USA and Europe who have agreed to be with us and to support us in our common approach – excellence in treating cardiovascular disease.

We all face daily challenges and difficult situations in our professional life. EMW2024 aims to come to the aid of those who are eager to learn, who are aiming for an international successful career. Knowledge has no borders and the opportunity to meet us in an open, neutral environment, regardless of nationality and professional level, should not be missed!

We are waiting for you at EMW 2024!

Prof. Univ. Dr. Horațiu Moldovan – President of EMW2024
Prof. Univ. Dr. Victor Costache – Vicepresident
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Silviu Ionel Dumitrescu – Vicepresident




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EMW President

Conf. Dr. Horatiu Moldovan

Prof. Dr. Horațiu Moldovan

  • MD. PhD Habil
  • University Professor of Cardiovascular Surgery – Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy
  • Qualified Doctor in Medical Sciences
  • Full Member of the Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences
  • Head of the Cardiovascular Surgery Clinic, Bucharest Emergency Clinical Hospital
  • Associate Member of the Romanian Academy of Scientists

Vice Presidents


Prof. Dr. Victor Costache

  • University professor, Titu Maiorescu University Bucharest
  • Member of the French Academy of Surgery (
  • Former Minister of Health in Romania 2019, 2020
  • President of the Romanian Society of Vascular Surgery
  • Medical Director and Head of the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery at Sanador Clinical Hospital, Bucharest
  • Executive Director for Eastern Europe within the International Society of Endovascular Specialists
silviu dumitrescu 2

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Silviu Dumitrescu

  • Senior cardiology consultant, MD PHD
  • Cardiologist primary doctor
  • Doctor of Medical Sciences
  • Head of Cardiology Section 1 at the Military Emergency University Hospital “Dr. Carol Davila”

What to expect

The event will highlight the latest research directions, the latest techniques, and changes in current practice, in an exclusive and dynamic program consisting of 2 days of presentations and case reports, theoretical courses and live surgical cases, vascular surgeons, interventional cardiologists, interventional radiologists, and other specialists.

Schedule / Find all our activities here

Jos Gisberts

LIABILITY for medical mistakes

Mihai Cucu

Update on vascular access for dialysis

Elisabeta Badila

Therapeutic strategies in PAD – one size fits all

Claudia Gherman

Risk factors associated with surgical site infections in vascular surgery Who decides

Radu Popa

Surgery of abdominal visceral arteries

Frank Criado

Einstein and Nissen: Anatomy of a New York Aneurysm Story wrapped in cellophane

Mihai Ionac

Who decides and performs amputations in Romania today

Horațiu Coman

Disparities in Carotid Artery Disease – Treatment across Europe challenges the notion of equality

Adrian Mureșan

Aortobifemoral bypass -uncommon circumstances

Dutu Bogdan

Iliac artery ostial occlusion. Revascularization issues regarding brachial vs inguinal approach


Coffee Break

Welcome note from ISEVS Vicepresident

Anatolie Cazacu

CT imaging for TAVI planning: from State of the Art to Spacial Computing

Horațiu Moldovan

Urgent TAVI in patients with severe heart failure

Victor Costache

Patient selection for aortic valve therapy

Marvin D. Atkins

Endovascular management of the ascending aorta and root – The Final Frontier

Taiba Rostam

From pre-operative sising to 3D image fusion in OR for endovascular procedures

Markus Liebrich

Long-term results of the David procedure in tricuspid and bicuspid aortic valve morphology

Peter Haldenwang

The hybrid therapy of the Aortic Arch : indications, techniques and results

Konstantinos Spargias

New devices for transcatheter aortic valve interventions

Cristian Voinea

Cases of conversion to open surgery post TAVI


Lunch / Sympozium Endosize Structural Heart

Cristina Pitiș

Intraoperative Echocardiography for surgical degenerative mitral valve repair

Claude Vaislic

MITRA.FR – The MitraClip French Connection

Lucian Dorobanțu

Mitral valve reconstruction: is the minimally invasive approach the right way in all cases?

Victor Costache

Minimally invasive mitral repair – 2024 update

Jean Paul Couetil

Challenges in mitral valve repair

Konstantinos Spargias

Transcatheter solutions for mitral and tricuspid valve disease

Eliza Mikus

Mitral Valve Repair in 2024: State-of-the-Art and Future Directions

Markus Kofler

New trends in surgical mitral valve replacement

Magdalena Gurzun

Arrhythmogenic Mitral Valve Prolapse


Coffee Break

Irina Costache

When the cardiologist meets the cardiovascular surgeon

Cornelia Zara

Ambulatory Heart Failure Clinic

Diana Tint

AF ablation and stroke – risk factors and prevention

Silviu Dumitrescu

Unattained targets in HFREF – what about the BAT?

Andrada Guta

RV dysfunction for cardiac surgeon – when to step back

Stefan Busnatu

Telerehabilitation in cardiovascular surgery, could it be a solution for postoperative care


Symposium Endosize Vascular

Gala Dinner Crowne Plaza

Eliza Cinteza

Transcatheter approach for coarctation of aorta in children

Șerban Stoica

Decision making in CHD – agony and ecstasy

Petru Liuba

Transcatheter treatment of PA branch stenosis: when simple becomes complex

Patricia Caldas

Fetal Cardiology Challenges

Jan Marek

The Heart Visible and Invisible

Andreea Dragulescu

Borderline LV, when small is too small

Giulia Tuo

Fetal Cardiology: State of the Art


Coffee Break

Adrian Molnar

Infective endocarditis – an update

Eliza Mikus

Transcatheter and Sutureless Aortic Valves: Competing Strategies or Complementary Solutions

Victor Costache

TAVI in aortic regurgitation

Ivo Petrov


Alexandru Scafa

Possible applications of artificial intelligence in cardiovascular surgery

Rodica Niculescu

Benefits of hybrid procedures in difficult cardiovascular cases

Zoran Stankov

TAVI in degenerated biosurgical valves


Lunch / Symposion EndoNaut Aorto-iliac&PAD

Jaques Busquets

History of EVAR

Rodney White

Progress in development of endografts for ascending aortic lesions

Arjan Hoksbergen

Feasibility Trial Of First-In-Human Aortic Aneurysm Sac Filling With Aneufix Polymer During Endovascular Aneurysm Repair

Marvin D. Atkins

Hybrid management of Aortic Arch Aneurysms

Peter Haldenwang

Aortic remodeling following TEVAR for type B aortic dissections

Victor Costache

Long term results after endovacular treatment of aortic dissections with multilayer stents

Ivo Petrov

In situ fenestration for totally endovascular aortic arch procedures

Gianmarco De Donato

The adaptive sealing technology for complex Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm endovascular repair

Frank Criado

On the nature of intramural hematomas (IMH) of the thoracic aorta: Why is it that many prove benign and do well with medical treatment alone but some turn deadly?

Kak Khee Yeung

Prediction of cardiovascular disease progression in AAA and PAD patients: the VASCUL AID project


Coffee Break

Theodora Benedek

Photo counting Angio CT in interventional cardiology

Adrian Molnar

Surgery for coronary artery disease: recent consensus update

Cristina Spanu

Chronic coronary syndrome guidelines

Hussein Sliman

Using ivus to simplify cto treatment

Theodora Benedek

Management of cardiogenic schock in acute myocardial infarction

Lucian Stoica

Multiarterial grafting, from simple to complex or how to do arterial CABG in over 80% cases in a cardiac surgery center

Claude Vaislic

In-ICU mortality of post-myocardial infarction-related ventricular septal defect complicated by cardiogenic shock

Andrei Radu

Cardiac resynchronization therapy in highly ischemic patients – is there an extractable benefit prior to myocardial revascularization?


Vlad Vintila

Complete revascularization after myocardial infarction – when and to whom?

Mirela Stoia

Interdisciplinary management of the critical cardiac patient – between cardiology department and intensive care

Horațiu Moldovan

Xenotransplant – a new hope for patients with advanced Heart Failure

Claudia Nica

Preparing patients for cardiac transplantation

Radu Vătășescu

Cardioneuroablation-current status

Oana Fronea

Barriers in implementing GROMT in HFrEF patients-imaginary or real



Scientific Partners

Clinical Partner


Event Speakers / Meeting with the best

Victor Costache

Prof. Univ. Dr.

Horațiu Moldovan

Prof. Univ. Dr.

Kak Khee Yeung


Speakers EMW 2025

Registration / Tickets available

Basic Acces


Limited access only scientific program

Coffee breaks

12 CME Credits

Students Acces



Limited access only scientific program

Coffee breaks

Bucharest, Romania

Bucharest is the capital and largest city in Romania and was first mentioned in documents from September 20, 1459. In addition to being an administrative and economic center, it is also the starting point for tourist destinations in Romania. French influences in culture and architecture brought Bucharest the name “Little Paris”.

Event Location

Crowne Plaza Bucharest
Bdul. Poligrafiei 1
013704 Bucharest

